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Acts of Kindness

We have listed here some of the things we love to do. If you would like to help with a specific project, email us at and let us know! If you would like us to speak to your church, business or organization, feel free to contact us!


Laundry Love: Laundry Love is a national initiative that began in California in 2003. We adopted the model and in January, 2014 began the Laundry Love program in Salina. Even before we began the official Laundry Love program, we delivered gift bags with laundry detergent, dryer sheets and quarters to the Laundromats. Now, we are at all 3 laundromats once a month and will pay for up to 5 loads of laundry per family. We also provide laundry supplies for those who need them. It has been a wonderful way to meet our community face to face. People are amazed when you meet specific needs with no strings attached. For a complete list of dates and times, click on to the Laundry Love tab. For more information on the Laundry Love program in general, visit the national website at

You can also follow Laundry Love Salina on Facebook.


We have banks that look like washing machines. If your group, family or organization would like to borrow one for a month to collect money for Laundry Love, let us know. You can come pick the one you want!


Kindness Adventures: We go out into the community once a month to spread kindness like confetti! You never know where we will show up and what we will have to give away!


Christmas in July: One of the biggest challenges we have is helping families at Christmas with gifts for teens.  If you would like to participate in our Christmas in July gift card collection, please let us know. We would provide a small Christmas tree with tags hung on it, itemizing the gift cards that we need. We ask for $25 gift cards to places like Game Stop, The Alley, The District and AMC Theaters, just to name a few. 


Socktober: Years ago we learned that socks are one of the greatest needs for a number of agencies. In response each October we collect new socks to share with a variety of places in Salina.  Some of the agencies we have shared with are Salina Rescue Mission, Ashby House, Central Kansas Mental Health, Food Bank, Catholic Charities, Pregnancy Service Center, DVACK, CKF,  Salvation Army and BACA. If you would like to be a collection site, contact us at We also accept gently used socks (no holes) anytime throughout the year.


The Scarf Project:  We are mindful of our neighbors during the cold Kansas winters. Keeping an eye on the forecasts, we hang scarves, hats and gloves from trees, lampposts, bus stops and fences for people to take to help keep them warm. Each winter we give away hundreds of items.  We collect these year round so we have plenty to give away each winter. Donations can be dropped off at our office at 155 S. 5th Street.


Play in the Park:  Our goal is to bring encouragement, cultivate relationships and help make good memories in local neighborhoods. Each summer you will find us in our local parks, hosting the party.  We buy summer toys and playground equipment to give away to the neighbors who attend. If you can contribute sports equipment, sidewalk chalk, bubbles or jump ropes, let us know. If you are interested in helping in any way, contact us!


Christmas Giving:  We prepare all year to help families at Christmas. We have an Amazon Wish List on the home page of our website. and will add a Target registry closer to Christmas. We accept new toys and gifts for teens year round.


Starting Over:  We have many opportunities to help provide home goods for those starting over with nothing. It has been absolutely amazing to see how God provides through those people willing to share what they have! Examples of things we always need are: silverware, can openers, spatulas, cleaning supplies, sheet sets, towels, pots and pans, and personal hygiene supplies. 


Winter Wear:  We have a garment rack with gently used coats and jackets in our office at 155 S. 5th Street. These are available for anyone who needs them. We will accept clean, gently used coats, hoodies and sweatshirts throughout the winter. If you can help purchase coats, hats, gloves or scarves, out of season when they are cheaper, we gladly accept them year round. â€‹â€‹



Salina Shares
155 S. 5th St. 
Salina, KS 67401

Office: 785-452-2929

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Monday - Friday:

10:00 am - 5:00 pm


Saturday: CLOSED

Sunday: CLOSED




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© 2015-2020 by Salina Shares

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